About the movement
SINCE 2015
“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7.
We are a movement that denounces fear. Fear has stagnated too many people and have kept them in a place of defeat. Our mission is to help you to overcome the fear that is holding you back from accomplishing God’s purpose in you; fear of not being enough, fear of the past, of what people will say… God wants to bring you to a place of freedom, of identity and of power.
Join the movement and be TAUGHT TO BE FEARLESS.

Ready to begin your journey to fearlessness?
We’re excited for what’s ahead!

get to know the founder
These are a few fun facts…
- My name is Prisca George and I am 33 years old. I am perfectly imperfect! I had an abortion then I survived an abusive marriage. Then divorce. So, I feared being disqualified, cast aside and felt ashamed.
- God delivered me from a broken past and showed me that that was life without Him. He was still choosing me.
- Faced with all of me, God showed me HIMSELF and then ME, and my identity in Him. I began the journey to becoming fearless in God.
- Today, I am married to a wonderful son of God, and together we have five children.